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Consent to Operate

(CTO) from SPCB

Consent to Operate (CTO) from SPCB

New/Renewal: The Industrial/ Non-Industrial Sector/Project/Unit falling under Red, Orange and Green Categories after completing the construction and installation of their project with valid CTE, shall apply for consent to operate before commissioning their proposed production/activities and even before starting the trial run of such activities/trial production, through the online portal alongwith all documents and report on compliance of conditions of CTE and Environmental Clearance (if applicable) by uploading the same on the online portal and securing Consent to Operate (CTO) is vital for the continued and lawful operation of your industry. Whether you're initiating a new project or renewing an existing one, Sun Enviro Solutions simplifies the CTO application process. We work closely with State Pollution Control Boards to ensure that your operations align with environmental standards. Our experts provide comprehensive support to help you obtain or renew your CTO, allowing your business to operate smoothly while adhering to regulatory guidelines.

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