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Plastic Waste (Management) Rules

2016 & EPR Authorization

Plastic Waste (Management) Rules, 2016 & EPR Authorization

Every day, India generates tons of plastic waste. If these wastes are not dealt with properly then it can have a significant negative impact. The indiscriminate disposal of the plastic wastes has caused huge environmental crisis. Therefore the government introduced the plastic waste (management and handling) Regulations in 2011 which consisted of the plastic waste management. In line with this, the government also introduced the plastic waste management regulations 2016. EPR authorization is necessary to deal in plastic waste management.

What do you mean by EPR?
Extended Producer Responsibility is a policy method wherein the producers take the responsibility for organization of the products disposal that they produce once the products are deemed to be not useful for consumers. EPR transfers the economic liability of the value of the disposal from the government to the manufacturer of the trade.

Applicability of EPR in Plastic Waste Management
EPR in Plastic Waste Management applies to: Every producer, brand owner, recyclers, plastic traders and plastic manufacturer needs to obtain registration from the state pollution control board or from the pollution control committee of the concerned UT. The plastic waste management rule shall apply to every waste generator, local body, manufacturers, importers, brand owners and producer of plastic materials.

How to obtain EPR Authorization for Plastic Waste Management?
The following process can be followed to obtain EPR Authorization for Plastic Waste Management: We Will submit the file in concern department of SPCB/CPCB; Attach the necessary documents; Submit the form to the concerned authorities; Liaison with the concerned authorities; If the application and documents are found to be satisfactory by the officials then the authorization certificate shall be issued and in case of any objection, we will take care accordingly for getting EPR Authorization. For organizations operating in Haryana, compliance with the SPCB is essential. Sun Enviro Solutions provides a comprehensive suite of services to ensure your adherence to environmental regulations in the region.

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